
The Sovereign Hand has been read and reviewed around the traps:

Nebula Books – “An epic adventure of High Fantasy and High Stakes; deserves a place next to Pratchett or Goodkind.”

Ngaire Bookiemonster said for the Herald on Sunday: “Fans of Gormenghast and China Miéville should drop everything and get themselves a copy of The Sovereign Hand as soon as they can.”

Jacqui Smith for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand (SFFANZ)“Definitely recommended, and quite possibly one of the best works of fantasy ever published in New Zealand.”

Kiwireads found it “beautifully written and full of political tension”.

Pretty stoked that anonymous at Publisher’s Weekly had a crack at reviewing. Am a bit mystified, though: “Tanner’s nonchalant attempted sexual assault”…?


Interview on writing, genre and The Sovereign Hand with Susan Voss from Dab of Darkness.

Award-winning author Bernard Beckett on The Sovereign Hand:

“The Sovereign Hand is a truly ambitious novel, both in scope and subject matter. This is a fantasy that doesn’t simply draw a world for the purposes of its story, but rather draws its story from the richness of the world Gilbert has created. The attention to detail, the range of the author’s imagination, and the consistency of his universe are all to be applauded. In Alexa he has created a hero for our times, at once passionate and reluctant, fragile and courageous. The parallels with the contemporary world and its issues, while always clear, are never overdrawn, and the story itself, a tale of adventure and intrigue, is given plenty of room to breathe. Better still, the writing is confident and rich, with its combination of wry humour and similes so smart they will stop you in your tracks. A wonderfully energetic debut, a celebration of form and expression.”


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